

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hang in there friend!

This is a post for my best friend, for my "brother" who is going through so hard times at the moment. His life changed in one night to something that no one can really understand. To something that changed his life forever.

I think that no one can actually understand how important it is to have a reliable base in your life. To really have something you can trust and rely on. He lost that base two months ago. Two months a go he got in a fight that changed everything. I won't and I am not allowed to tell about it better but here is something I want to say to you., brother.

I am so proud of you. I can't believe how strong you are and how strong you have been even though everything broke in your life. I can't put it in to words, how thankful I am to still have you in my life. If you give up now, if you just let everything flow through your fingers, that will break me down, Julia too. We want to have you in our lives! We both love you so much and you mean so much to us. You have been so good sample for both of us. Stay strong for us for your woman and live everyday for better future. We are here to help you, all of us. We are ready and we want to listen to you, your feelings, help you to get better and love you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday Update!

Weekend came and passed. Normally I am looking forward to the weekends but this weekend wasn't relaxing at all. Flu attacked both of us, Julia and me. Even then, I didn't have enough time to do what I was supposed to!

Julia is already following her maternal instincts, re-decorating the whole house, reading books about pregnancy, birth and life with the children and shopping everything that is somehow related to babies or the pregnancy. I am still in a place, where I can't really understand what is happening. Everything will change and be so different. I don't think I will understand this before I'm holding one in my arms. We are very supported from both our families and we get a lot of help with everything. My grandparents are in this with us and we couldn't ask for more <3

Julia is now 10+5 weeks pregnant! :) Almost 11 weeks. Because it's twins something is showing already! We have been talking about do we want to know the sexes of the babies. Julia wants to know, so decorating would be easier. I don't know do I want to know, it should be a surprise. But then if she knows I will know one way or the other :D

10+5 weeks! 

First of September we are heading to Spain for few weeks! Beachholiday under the sun (I hope) We are staying in Mallorca, in a hotel near the sea. We are travelling with two of our friends so it will be a holiday :D
It will just be relaxing eating good food and walking around the city. We want to take it really easy, because of Julias' morning sickness and hormones. Luckily the doctors lets her fly anyway!

(Picture from Google!)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Shiny Monring!

I started to write this blog for people who find themselves in the same situation then we are. I don't have much to tell about the hospital stuff and how much things costs and all that, but I'm ready to tell all about the pregnancy and our life. How things turn out right.

I didn't have time to inform you everything that has happened since the day we knew about the pregnancy. In this post I try to update our life. A lot has hapened and I really don't know where to start. I think I will start with the little better news :)

From the last ultrasound we were informed about twins. TWINS!! We are going to have twins! So great, so big news for us. I wasn't expecting these king of news but when we heard the babies heartbeats my own heart just melted. I haven't ever heard something so beautiful in my life and I have to say that all my fears just dissappeared.

But on 9th of August, we had a terrible day. Julia, my girlfriend, had been throwing up all day. Already now she has had a lot of morning sickness and headaches. She couldn't eat at all that day. And already few days before that were pretty much the same. She has been crying so much and all the hormones are just running around. It was almost midnight. I was out with some friends (she didn't want me to stay at home watching her on saturday night so I went out) During the evening she was able to leave the house with her friend to get something to eat. But that night stopped when she threw up on the floor. I wasn't informed about it before the midnight. She called me, panicing, crying and I couldn't understand a word she said.

I left home running, luckily I wasn't that far, and carried her to the car (she couldn't walk by herlsef anymore) and drove to the hospital. Those were the longest hours of my life. The doctors didn't let me in to her room and told me to go home and get some sleep.BUT NOTHING SERIOUS THANK GOD! It's just going to be a hard pregnancy for us, for Julia. Fysically and mentally.

Today she got back home, tired and pale but smiling. She felt good to be home and I was so relieved that everything was okay.We had a very relaxing day at home. Some cooking, a movie, bubble bath and sleeping!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Short story about our history.

I fell in love with the most wonderful woman a while a go. We haven't knewn each other for years, but still we know that this one will last long, forever. Well, I can't say forever because anything can happen, but if it's about us, forever.

It didn't take long us to move in together and start living. We shared and still do everything and it's easy to be together. I knew from the start that we will grow old together. She is few years younger then me and we both share a hard history. Both of us had had hard times and it's good to just be with someone who understands you without words.

Few months back we talked about starting our own family. I was shocked for a while about the idea of me being a mother. But after many conversations we decided that we are ready to take a new turn in our lives. After the decision had been made things started moving on much faster than I was expecting. Maybe a bit too fast for me.

 We didn't want to start our journey with all that medical help and care, but to  do it the old fashion way. Lucky for us we had help with the donating and from someone we trust. I have heard that for some people finding the right donator with right health is hard and very difficult. We didn't have this problem. And even before I realized it, we had already checked the ovulation time and agreed the days to meet this guy, friend of ours.

I have always been the "guy" in our relationship so we didn't even talk about me expecting the baby. That would have been grazy idea. Even my friends laughed about that idea. And Julia, my girlfriend, wanted to be the who is pregnant. That's fine by me, I am always better with helping, not the one going through the things.
Now I am lucky to inform you guys, in the same text though, that we are luckily expecting our baby to be born during February, next year. I have been so greatful that we managed it the first time, cause mentally it has been really stressful to wait and see how things turns out. Now we are happu about our future, our new event :)